I think each of us has been guilty of making excuses at some point in our life. Maybe you only make excuses few and far between, but maybe it’s more often- even daily!
I’m certainly no exception. For me the excuse lately has been whatever I can think of to avoid going to the gym. After a summer of great weather and lots of runs outside, it’s just not fun to think about going to the gym for my workout. So I’ve come up with every excuse: organizing my bookshelves, closets, and shoes, accepting last minute invitations from friends to go out to dinner or go shopping, talking on the phone with friends and family, sleeping in claiming “I need the sleep” after I’ve already clocked 8-9 hours, wasting time when I get home until there just “isn’t enough time now,” and let’s not forget the ever-so-famous time killer also known as Facebook! Do any of these sound familiar to you?
I’m certainly no exception. For me the excuse lately has been whatever I can think of to avoid going to the gym. After a summer of great weather and lots of runs outside, it’s just not fun to think about going to the gym for my workout. So I’ve come up with every excuse: organizing my bookshelves, closets, and shoes, accepting last minute invitations from friends to go out to dinner or go shopping, talking on the phone with friends and family, sleeping in claiming “I need the sleep” after I’ve already clocked 8-9 hours, wasting time when I get home until there just “isn’t enough time now,” and let’s not forget the ever-so-famous time killer also known as Facebook! Do any of these sound familiar to you?
Join me this November for a month of NO EXCUSES- that means NONE, NADA, ZERO, ZILCH with a capital Z!! You don’t need to do everything at once. Just pick one thing that you would like to work on and MAKE IT HAPPEN! I will be right there with you working on my goal of getting to the gym at least three times per week.
Here are some tips to get you started. First, write down your goal somewhere you can see it every day. I personally like post-its so I can stick them all over and be constantly reminded of what I am working on. Put one on your bathroom mirror, one on the fridge, one at your desk at work, and wherever else you like. While you’re at it, throw a few extra notes in there about how much YOU ROCK! Next, get your calendar out and fill in when you will be working on your goal during each day and week for the whole month. That way when distractions come up, you are prepared with your schedule and can plan around your goal to ensure it’s reached. Finally, find a support buddy to hold you accountable. You can encourage him or her to work on a goal too- then you can keep each other on track!
After you successfully complete your November goal, you can pick a new one to try for December. Pretty soon you will have made lots of big changes in your life- one at a time; without being overwhelmed. It will feel so good to accomplish your goals! YOU CAN DO THIS!
After you successfully complete your November goal, you can pick a new one to try for December. Pretty soon you will have made lots of big changes in your life- one at a time; without being overwhelmed. It will feel so good to accomplish your goals! YOU CAN DO THIS!