Letting Go for Better Health

In Chinese Medicine, the Lungs and Large Intestine are associated with Autumn. That means that during this time of year, these organs are most active, energetically speaking. The more we nourish them, the better we will feel. This means eating well and getting rest of course, but it also means processing our emotions in a healthy way.
People often think of the Spring as the time to do major house cleaning and to clear out any junk that is laying around. We pack up things that are no longer of value and give them away. We get on our hands and knees to clean out dust and grime from every small crack and crevice of the house that we may have neglected throughout the year. We get everything ready to enjoy a great Spring and Summer of entertaining guests, and being active with our family and friends.

Autumn is just like Spring. However, instead of cleaning junk out of our physical house, we instead rid our minds of emotional baggage that is taking up valuable space and energy. We associate Autumn with the emotion of Grief. It is a time to let go of anything that is no longer serving us, whether that is a negative mindset about something, a bad habit, and job we hate, or even an unfulfilling relationship. You can think about how the Large Intestine relates to this in a physical way, as our bodies let go of waste that is not serving us.

Negative emotions weigh heavily on us and after a period of time, this can cause serious emotional and even physical problems. Have you ever felt so bogged down with negativity that you realize you’re barely even breathing? It’s as if you feel so constricted in your chest that you cannot take in a deep breath of air. This is our Lungs reacting in a physical way to the emotional burdens we are holding onto. If we can find a way to let go,we can use the Autumn season as a time to grieve losses in a healthy way, so that by the time Winter comes along, we are free of our mental clutter and can use that extra energy to rest and build up our reserves over the colder months. It may be difficult at first, but as you begin to let go, you will see your world open up in ways you never thought were possible!

Meet Your Lungs:

Step One:  Go outside and find a pretty spot to stand or sit.

Step Two:  Take a slow deep breath in through your nose, feeling the breath deep in your belly, and hold it for a few    seconds.

Step Three:
  Slowly exhale through your mouth.

Step Four:
  Repeat 4 to 5 times, feeling your body relax more with each breath as you take in the great smells, sights, and sounds of Autumn.